
目前顯示的是 2020的文章

[Colab][Python]define function定義函數

  This video shows 5 kinds of examples for definition of function. 這個影片展示5種定義函數的範例。 1.Define function (no parameter)定義函數(無參數) 2.Define function (parameters)定義函數(參數) 3.Define function (parameters) with Return (single value) 定義函數(參數) 回傳值 4.Define function (parameters) with Return (multiple value) 定義函數(參數) 回傳多個值 5.Define function (*parameter: multiple parameters) with Return (single value) 定義函數(*參數: 多參數) 回傳值

[Python] Update and delete data with SQLite in Colab/在Colab中更新與刪除SQLite資料庫

  This example shows how to use python to comunicate with SQLite in Colab. 這個範例說明如何在Colab中使用python來與SQLite溝通。 7. Update data in table 更新資料表中的資料 8. Delete data in table 從資料表中刪除資料 Previous video: 先前影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRuwI-ve5To

[Python][Colab][SQlite] Wite and read data with SQLite in Colab在Colab中讀寫SQLite資料庫

This example shows how to use python to comunicate with SQLite in Colab. 這個範例說明如何在Colab中使用python來與SQLite溝通。   1. Mount Google drive for Colab use 在Colab中掛載Google硬碟 2. Ceate database in Google drive 在Google硬碟建立資料庫 3. Create Table and add header 建立表單與加入表頭 4. Insert the single row data to table 加入單列資料到表單中 5. Read data from the table 從表單中讀取資料 6. Insert the muliti rows of data to table 加入多列資料到表單中

[Colab][python]Install and use yfinance in Colab/在Colab上安裝與使用yfinance函式庫

 This video shares how to install and use yfinance in Colab 本影片分享如何在Colab上安裝與使用yfinance函式庫 1. Install yfinance library 安裝yfinance函式庫 2. Get single item or all items from stock information 獲取單一或全部的股票資訊項目 3. Get historical data of stocks (5days) 獲取股票的歷史資料  (5天) 4.  Download  historical data as .csv from google to location 將google上的歷史資料下載到在地端存成.csv檔 5. Download  historical data with start, end time and interval 使用開始、結束時間與間隔來下載歷史資料

[ESP IDF][VS Code]Install, set up ESP IDF and build example in VS Code/在VS Code中安裝,設定ESP IDF與建立範例說明

  This video shares how to install, set up ESP IDF and build example in VS Code 這個影片分享如何在VS Code中安裝,設定ESP IDF與建立範例說明 1. Install ESP IDF extension in VS Code 在安VS Code中裝ESP IDF擴充套件。 2. Download ESP IDF 下載ESP IDF。 3. Download, set up and verify ESP IDF Tools 下載,設定與驗證ESP IDF Tools。 4. Creat hello_world example 建立一個hello_world範例。 5. Add include Path 加入Include相關檔案的路徑。 6. Build, flash and monitor project 建立,記憶體更新,以及監控專案。

[LabVIEW] Get stock data from yahoo finance by LabVIEW/使用LabVIEW獲取yahoo財經上的股票資料

  This example shows how to use LabVIEW to get stock data from yahoo finance 這個範例說明如何使用LabVIEW擷取yahoo財經上的股票資料 1. get yahoo finance data by using LabVIEW 使用LabVIEW擷取Yahoo財經的資料 2. Use HTTP Client VIs to get web content 使用HTTP Client的VIs來獲取網頁內容 3. Determine the data range you want to get 決定想要獲取的資料範圍 4. Select data range by using Match Pattern VI 使用Match Pattern VI選擇資料範圍 5. Find one row data by using Match Pattern VI 使用Match Pattern VI尋找一列資料 6. Find add row data by using Match Pattern VI 使用Match Pattern VI尋找所有列資料 7. Send all array data to Multi Listbox 將陣列資料送到Multi Listbox

[FreeRTOS][Arduino] Data transmission between tasks by using queue/使用佇列來傳遞任務間的資料

This example shows how to use the queue to transmit data from one task to another task. 這個範例說明如何使用佇列將資料從一個任務傳到另一個任務。 We will introduce some queue related functions which used in this example: 我們將介紹一些跟佇列相關的函數: *   QueueCreate() -->Create the queue 創建佇列 *   xQueueSend() -->Send data to the queue 傳送資料到佇列中 *   xQueueReceive() -->Receive data from the queue 從資料中獲取佇列 *   taskYIELD() -->Switch to another task 轉換到其他任務 *   uxQueueMessagesWaiting()--> find how many data in the queue 發現佇列中有多少資料數 Media 影音: Other articles related to FreeRTOS: 其他與FreeRTOS相關的文章: 1.  [Arduino]Install FreeRTOS in Arduino/在Arduino中安裝FreeRTOS 2. [FreeRTOS][Arduino]Create FreeRTOS task in Arduino with VS Code/使用VS code在Arduino中創建任務 3. [FreeRTOS]Use vTaskDelay to implement tasks running in different priorities/使用延時函數實現不同優先順序的任務執行

[贊助區] MPU6050六軸感測器利用連芽模組HC06與Android App傳遞訊息

本篇是將MPU6050六軸感測器利用Bluetooth(HC-06)與Android App傳遞訊息, 這一個範例傳的是MPU6050的Yaw, Pitch, Roll數值,使用Arduino mega 2560做資料擷取,Android App是用App Inventor開發。 此範例花了許多時間在解決藍牙傳輸浮點數(floating point)數據到Android手機端後, App Inventor如何處理浮點數數據並顯示出來。   贊助本篇的人,將會得到: 1. Arduino程式碼 2. App Inventor 2藍牙相關的程式碼 3. 程式碼使用教學影片   > MPU6050的相關影片 1.  [Arduino] Acquisition of MPU6050 raw data by using Mega2560/使用Mega2560擷取MPU6050原始資料   2.  [Arduino] Acquisition of MPU6050 raw data by using Mega2560/使用Mega2560擷取MPU6050原始資料   3.  [Arduino]Transmit ypr data of MPU6050 to App vis HC06/將MPU6050的ypr的資料經由HC06傳輸到手機App上

[Arduino] Acquisition of MPU6050 raw data by using Mega2560/使用Mega2560擷取MPU6050原始資料

This example shows how read the raw data of MPU6050 by using Arduino Mega2560. There are several steps: 1. Download and install MPU6050 library. (refer to:  http://www.i2cdevlib.com/devices/mpu6050#source ) 2. Introduce the source code. 3. Connect MPU6050 to Mega2560. (refer to:  https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog/post/42021475 ) 4. Print raw data (ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz) to the serial port monitor. 這個範例說明如何使用Mega2560來讀取MPU6050的原始資料。 步驟如下: 1. 下載與安裝MPU6050函式庫。(參考:  http://www.i2cdevlib.com/devices/mpu6050#source ) 2.  程式碼簡介。 3. 連接MPU6050 與Mega2560。 (參考:  https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog/post/42021475 ) 4. 列印原始資料 (x, y, z的加速度與角加速度)到序列埠監控視窗。

[Arduino][FreeRTOS]Use vTaskDelay to implement tasks running in different priorities/使用延時函數實現不同優先順序的任務執行

This example explain what are tick, tick ISR, task states (Running, Ready, Blocked, and Suspended) and how to use two task delay functions (vTaskDelay and vTaskDelayUntil) to elimanate starving state while two tasks are called with different priorities . 這個範例說明什麼是時脈、時脈中斷服務、任務狀態(執行、就緒、阻塞與掛起),以及如何使用任務延時的函數(相對延時vTaskDelay與 絕對延時vTaskDelayUntil)去消除呼叫兩個不同優先順序的任務時產生的餓死狀態。 Hardware: Arduino Mega2560 Software: VS Code

[FreeRTOS][Arduino]Create FreeRTOS task in Arduino with VS Code/使用VS code在Arduino中創建任務

  This example shows how to create FreeRTOS task, call scheduler and implement task function in Arduin. 這個範例說明如何在Arduino中創建FreeRTOS的任務、呼叫調度器,以及實現任務函數。 1. Only one task in the running state at any one time, the others are in the not running time. 2. Create two print tasks with the same priority. 3. Create two print tasks with different priorities. Only higher priority task is running. (Staved situation happens.) 1. 在任意的時間點只有一個任務能在執行狀態執行,其他的任務都在非執行狀態。 2. 建立兩個任務,有一樣的優先順序。 3. 建立兩個任務,有不同的優先順序。只有優先順序高的任務會被執行。(會有"餓死"的狀況發生。)

[Arduino] Edit Arduino code to control RGB LED in VS code/使用VS code編輯Arduino程式碼來控制RGB LED

  This video show the blinking of RGB LED controlled by Mega2560. 本影片展示用Mega2560控制RGB LED閃爍的狀況。 Next video will express how to implement it by editing the Arduino code in the VS Code. 下一個影片將說明如何使用VS Code來編寫Arduino code來實現這樣的控制。 This video shows how to write the Arduino code of RGB LED blinking by using the VS code. 本部影片展示如何使用VS code去編輯控制RGB LED閃爍的Arduino程式碼。 Hardware: Mega2560 硬體: Mega2560 Steps: 1. Use command "Arduino: Initialize" to create .ino file. 2. Modify "c_cpp_properties.json" to add the content of include path and setup other parameters. 3. Modify "arduino.json" to add build file for fast compilaton. 3. Edit code in VS code. 4. Upload code to Mega2560 board. 5. View Blink.ino in Arduino IDE. 步驟: 1. 使用"Arduino: Initialize" 去建立 .ino檔。 2. 修正 "c_cpp_properties.json" 去新增 include path的內容和設置其他參數。 3. 修正"arduino.json" 去新增 build資料夾讓編譯速度加快。 3. 在 VS code中編輯程式碼。 4. 上傳程式碼到Mega2560板中。 5. 在Arduino IDE中察看 Blink.ino檔案。

[Arduino]Install FreeRTOS in Arduino/在Arduino中安裝FreeRTOS

This video shows how to install FreeRTOS library in Arduino IDE.  這影片說明如何在Arduino IDE中安裝FreeRTOS的程式庫。

[LabVIEW][Arduino] Read/Write data between BLED112 dongle and ESP32/在BLED112適配器和ESP32間讀寫資料

This example shows how BLED112 dongle receive data from ESP32 development board and then send data back to ESP32 and print data on the COM port monitor. 這個範例說明BLED112 dongle如何從ESP32開發版上收取資料,以及將資料送回ESP32並將資料列印在串列埠監控視窗上。 The next video will show to edit Labview program of BLED112 and Arduino code of ESP32. 下一個影片我們將說明如何轉寫BLED112的LabVIEW程式,以及ESP32的Arduino程式碼。 1. Introduce LabVIEW example code of BLED112 dongle and Arduino code of ESP32 development board. 2. BLE Scan and connection between BLED112 and ESP32. 3. Find Service UUID and Characteristic UUID Rx/Tx of ESP32 in LabVIEW program. Next video will shows how BLED112 dongle reads and write string to ESP32. 1. 簡介BLED112 dongle的LabVIEW程式內容和ESP32開發版的Arduino程式碼。 2. BLED112 and ESP32之間的低功號藍芽掃描與連結。 3. 在LabVIEW程式中找到ESP32的Service UUID和Characteristic UUID Rx/Tx。 下一個影片將說明BLED112 dongle何和讀寫字串到ESP32開發版上。 1. Add while loop in LabVIEW code to read/write data to ESP32 continuously. 2. Convert unit8 value to 3 digits ASCII code in LabVIEW code. 3. Wr...

[AI2][Arduino][ESP32] Classic Bluetooth connection between ESP32 and AI2 App/傳統藍芽傳輸使用ESP32與AI2

This example demonstrates how to use the classic Bluetooth of ESP32 to read and write data from App created by App Inventor 2. 這個範例說明如何使用經典的藍芽連線方式,在ESP32開發版與App Inventor 2開發出來的 App間進行資料的讀寫。 1. Upload SerialToSerialBT code to ESP32 DevKitc_V4 2. Input string to the serial port monitor to transmit data to App. 3. Input a string to the Write Textbox and tap the Write Button in the App to send data to ESP32 board. 1. 上傳SerialToSerialBT.ino程式碼到ESP32 DevKitc_V4開發版 2. 在Arduino串列埠監控視窗輸入文字,傳送到App中。 3. 在App的 寫入文字方塊中輸入文字,按下寫入的按鈕,將資料傳輸到ESP32開發版上。 In the next video, I will demonstrate how to implement the classic bluetooth app by using App Inventor 2. 下一個影片,我們將展示如何使用App Inventor 2寫一個經典藍芽傳輸的App。 1. Start new project to create designer and blocks windows 開啟新專案建立designer與block視窗 2. Place ListPicker for displaying address and name of bluetooth and Label for showing the result of connection 放置ListPicker顯示藍芽的地址以及名稱,放置Label顯示藍芽連線的結果。 3. Place buttons and texboxes for reading and writing texts 放置讀與寫的按...

[Arduino][VS Code][Voice] Edit Arduino code in the VS code/在VS Code中編輯Arduino程式碼

This example shows how to install Arduino extension and edit Arduino code in the VS code. 這個範例說明如何在VS Code中安裝Arduino extension以及編輯Arduino程式碼。 1. Install Arduino extension in the VS code. 在VS code中安裝Arduino extension。 2. Set Arduino installation Path. 設定 Arduino的安裝路徑。 3. Ctrl+Shift+P to input command " Arduino: Examples". 使用 Ctrl+Shift+P去輸入"Arduino: Examples"指令。 4. Open Blinky example 打開Blink的範例 5. Select COM port and board type "Mega2560". 選擇COM port, 以及Mega2560開發版。 6. Modify code and upload to Mega2560. 修改程式碼然後上傳到Mega2560上。 We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633@gmail.com Line: lvnet

[Python][Voice]Integrate a plot of matplotlib into tkinter GUI/整合matplotlib的繪圖到 tkinter圖形視窗中

This example shows how to integrate a plot or figure on matplotlib into the graphic user interface of tkinter. 1. Import tkinter 2. Import matplotlib 3. Import FigureCanvasTkAgg 4. Import Figure 5. Build a window named "win". 6. Window format 1: title() 7. Window format 2: geometry() determine size and initial position(x,y) 8. Window format 3: maxsize() set max size of a window 9. Build a figure with figsize = (Width: inch, Length: inch) and dpi = pixel per inch 10. Add the subplot to the figure. 11. Generate x array 12. Generate y array 13. Use plot() to draw the graph 14. Use FigureCanvasTkAgg(figure,win) to put figure on the win (window) 15. Use get_tk_widget().pack() to place figure on the win (window) 16. Build close_win function to end the window 17. Build Button component and give a string to text, and use command to call the function 18. Use pack to arrange Button on bottom side 19. Use mainloop() to keep window running for monitoring and handling events 這個範例說明如...

[TouchGFX][STM32F4] Use TextArea to display the value changing on the LCD/使用文字區塊將變動的數值顯示在LCD上(一)

This example shows how to use TextArea to dispaly the increasing value on the LCD of STM32F429I Disc1. 1. Set parameters of the TextArea: Color, Wildcard. 2. Use snprinf() function to display the TextArea buffer on the LCD. 3. Use handleTickEvent() to update the value periodically. 4. Redraw by using TextArea.invalidate(). 這個範例說明如何使用TextArea,將一個遞增的數值顯示在STM32F429I Disc1開發版的LCD上。 1. 設定TextArea的參數,如顏色、Wildcard。 2. 使用snprinf()將 TextArea buffer的資輛顯示在LCD上。 3. 使用handleTickEvent()去更新數值。 4. 使用TextArea.invalidate()去重繪畫面。 We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633@gmail.com Line: lvnet

[TouchGFX] [STM32F4] Use TouchGFX to design GUI on STM32F429I Disc1/使用TouchGFX設計STM32F429I Disc1開發板的圖形介面

This example shows how to use TouchGFX to design GUI on LCD of STM32F429I Disc1 Board. One progress indicator and two buttons are used in this example. There are two examples of demonstrating interactions of the button to interact with the circleProgress indicator: 1. setValue 2. Call New Virtual Function --> Use VS code to modify code generated by TouchGFX Tab "Run Simulator" to see the effect of the code. Tab "Run Target" to download the code to STM32F429I Disc1 board. 這個範例說明如何使用TouchGFX設計STM32F429I-Disc1 開發板上LCD的圖形介面。 有兩個按鈕與一個circle Progress顯示項被使用在這的範例上, 有兩個範例說明按鈕與circle Progress顯示項的互動: 1. 設定數值 2. 呼叫新的虛擬函數 -->使用VS code去修改TouchGFX產生的程式碼 按下Run Simulator去看看模擬的效果。 按下Run Target去將程式燒錄在STM32F429I Disc1開發版。   We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fis...

[Python][tkinter]使用Button中的command呼叫函數 Use Button Command Call Function

This example shows how to use "command" in button to call a function with or without parameters 1. Import tkinter 2. build a window named "win". 3. window format 1: title() 4. window format 2: geometry() determine size and initial position(x,y) 5. window format 3: maxsize() set max size of a window 6. Build Label component and give a string to text 7. Build close_win function to end the window 8. Build add_label_num function to deliver paramters for increasing the text of the label and use lbl.config to change the label status 9. Build Button component and give a string to text, and use command to call the function 10. Build Button component and give a string to text, and use command to call the function with parameters 11. Use pack to arrange Button on bottom side 12. Use pack to arrange Button on left side 13. Use pack to arrange Build Label on right side 14. Use mainloop() to keep window running for monitoring and handling events 這個範例說明如何使用Button...

[Python][tkinter] Build tkinter GUI 使用tkinter建立圖形視窗

This example shows how to build a GUI by using tkinter. 1. Import tkinter 2. build a window named "win". 3. window format 1: title() 4. window format 2: geometry() determine size and initial position(x,y) 5. window format 3: maxsize() set max size of a window 6. Build Button component and give a string to text 7. Use pack to arrange Button on left side 8. Build Label component and give a string to text 9. Use pack to arrange Build Label on right side 10. use mainloop() to keep window running for monitoring and handling events 這個範例介紹如何使用tkinter建立圖形視窗。 #1. 引入tkinter #2. 建立一個名為win的新視窗 #3. 視窗格式: 標題 Title() #4. 視窗格式: 設定視窗啟動時的大小與位置 geometry("寬x長+x位移+y位移") #5. 視窗格式: 設定視窗最大尺寸 maxsize(int長,int寬) #6. 建立Button元件,按鍵文字 Text = "" #7. Button元件布局 pack(side='left') 靠左 #8. 建立Label元件,按鍵文字 Text = "" #9. Label元件布局 pack(side='right') 靠右 #10. mainloop()在使用者關閉...

[STM32Cube IDE][TouchGFX] Install ToughGFX in STM32Cube IDE/在STM32Cube IDE中安裝ToughGFX

這範例是說明如何在STM32Cube IDE中安裝ToughGFX 4.13軟體。 This example demostrates how to install ToughGFX 4.13software in STM32Cube IDE 在使用TouchGFX來設計螢幕的人機介面前,我們需要進行下列幾個步驟: 1. 在STM32Cube IDE中的Additional software中安裝TouchGFX 4.13套件 2. 在新專案中的.ioc檔的Additional software編輯TouchGFX的設定 3. 安裝TouchGFX Designer 4.13做人機介面的編輯。 Before using TouchGFX to desigh the graphic user interface, there are three steps we have to do: 1. Install TouchGFX 4.13 package in STM32Cube IDE-->Additional software. 2. Edit the configuration of TouchGFX in .ioc file in the new project. 3. Install TouchGFX Designer 4.13 for the edition of graphic user interface. We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633 @gmail.com Line: lvnet

[STM32Cube IDE][STM32F429-Disco]Blinky LED Example/閃爍的LED範例

使用STM32Cube IDE在STM32F429-Disco開發板上撰寫程式控制LED閃爍。 This example shows how to use STM32Cube IDE to blink LED on STM32F429-Discovery kit. 1.開啟STM32Cube IDE, 然後新增專案。 2. 指定PG13和14為數位輸出。 3. 產生程式碼。 4. 修改程式並加入一些HAL函數讓LED閃爍。 1. Start STM32Cube IDE, and add Project. 2. Assign PG13 and 14 as digital output. 3. Generate code. 4. Modify code and add some HAL functions for blinking LED. We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633@gmail.com Line: lvnet

[Python][Voice] Write NI DAQ Data to File 儲存NI DAQ的資料到檔案中

這個範例說明如何將NI DAQ卡擷取的資料寫入檔案中 This example introduce how to write data acquired from NI DAQ card to a file. 這裡有5個步驟: There are five steps: 1. Install nidaqmx package, Python can use this package to read analog signals from NI DAQ card. 2. Use Simulated NI DAQ Device to simulate NI DAQ device. 3. Use matplotlib to plot analog signals from NI DAQ device. 4. Use File open, write and close method to save a file. 5. Use "with open() as file" to save a file. This is a recommendation for file read and write in Python. #1. 安裝nidaqmx套件,使用Pythone讀取NI DAQ類比訊號。 #2. 使用Simulated NI DAQ Device模擬DAQ卡類比訊號。 #3. 使用matplotlib作互動模式顯示DAQ卡的類比資料。 #4. 使用file open, write, close寫入檔案。 #5. 使用with open() as file寫入檔案,自動呼叫close,(建議使用)。 import  nidaqmx import  matplotlib.pyplot  as  plt plt.ion()  i =  0 #file = open('daq_data.txt','a')  #用於追加資料 with   open ( ...

[Python][Voice] Read Analog Signals From NI DAQ Card從NI 資料擷取卡中讀取類比訊號

This example provides the following three steps for training: 1. Install nidaqmx package, Python can use this package to read analog signals from NI DAQ card. 2. Use Simulated NI DAQ Device to simulate NI DAQ device. 3. Use matplotlib to plot analog signals from NI DAQ device. 這個範例提供以下三個步驟供練習: #1. 安裝nidaqmx套件,使用Pythone讀取NI DAQ類比訊號 #2. 使用Simulated NI DAQ Device模擬DAQ卡類比訊號 #3. 使用matplotlib作互動模式顯示DAQ卡的類比資料 import  nidaqmx import  matplotlib.pyplot  as  plt plt.ion()  i =  0 with  nidaqmx.Task()  as  task:     task.ai_channels.add_ai_voltage_chan( "Dev1/ai0:1" )      while  i <  100 :         aiData = task.read()         plt.scatter(i,aiData[ 0 ], c = "r" )         plt.scatter(i,aiData[ 1 ], ...

[LabVIEW][Voice]First Actor Framework Program-Hello World (一)第一支操作者框架程式Hello World(一)

This example demonstrates how to build an actor framework project, create actor and message class, and launch actor to call message method. 這的範例展示了如何建立操作者框架專案,建立操作者與訊息類別,以及啟動操作者去呼叫訊息的方法。 The launch.vi uses old approach of Lauch Actor.vi before LabVIEW 2014. The new approach will use Launch Root Actor.vi. 在launch.vi中使用的是LabVIEW 2014年前所使用的Launch Actor.vi. 新的方法為使用Launch Root Actor.vi。 If you want use Launch Root Actor.vi in LabVIEW 2012, you can try the method in the following website:  AF Experiment - Launch Root Actor and Launch Nested Actor 如果想在LabVIEW 2012使用Launch Root Actor.vi ,可以試試下列連結的方法:  AF Experiment - Launch Root Actor and Launch Nested Actor We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633 @gmail.com Line: lvnet

[Micropython][Voice]Download ESP32 micropython firmware by using ESP32 download tool 燒錄韌體到ESP32開發版

This video shows how to download micropython firmware to ESP32 DevKitC v4 by using ESP32 download tool. 本影片說明如何使用ESP32 download tool將Micropython韌體燒錄在ESP32 DevKitC v4開發版上。 There are two steps: 1. Download Micropython firmware of ESP32 from micropython.org website. 2. Use ESP32 download tool to download Micropython firmware to ESP32 DevKitC v4. 有兩個步驟: 1. 從micropyhon.org下載ESP32的韌體。 2. 使用 ESP32 download tool將Micropython韌體燒錄在ESP32 DevKitC v4開發版。 We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633@gmail.com Line: lvnet

[Micropython][Voice]Erase ESP32 flash by using ESP32 download tool清除ESP32的快閃記憶體

This video shows how to use ESP32 download tool to erase the flash on ESP32 DevKitC v4. 這支影片說明如何使用ESP32 download tool清除ESP32 DevKitC v4開發版上的快閃記憶體。 I think ESP32 download tool is one of easiest method of erasing the flash of ESP32 development board in Windows. Just press one button and without inputting any command. 我認為 ESP32 download tool 史最容易清除ESP32開發版的方法之一,只要按下一個按鍵,而無須下任何指令。 We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633 @gmail.com Line: lvnet

[MicroPython] [Voice] Use ESP32 DevkitC V4 to aquire signals of DHT11 sensor 使用ESP32 DevKitC V4開發版來讀取DHT11數位溫溼度感測器

This example shows how to use ESP32 DevKitC V4 to read temperature and humidity data from DHT11 sensor. 本範例說明如何使用ESP32 DevKitC V4來讀取DHT11數位溫溼度感測器的資料。 Import dht library and define the data pin in the pin of dht in main.py. 在main.py中,輸入dht函數庫,與定義data腳位在dht的函數中。 Than use print() to display and update temperature and humidity data with time interval of 2 sec. 使用print ()函數去顯示與更新 溫溼度的數值每兩秒 。   - 韌體 Firmware: Micropython - 硬體 Hardware: ESP32 DevKitC V4,DHT11 - 開發環境 IDE: Thonny - 程式語言 Language: Python - 作業系統 OS: Windows We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633 @gmail.com Line: lvnet

[Micropython][Voice] Use ESP32 DevKitC V4 to control RGB LED 使用ESP32 DevKitC V4開發版來控制RGB LED

This example shows how to use ESP32 DevKitC V4 to control RGB LED. 本範例說明如何使用ESP32 DevKitC V4來控制RGB LED。 Define Pin.OUT and use Pin.on()/off() function to turn on/off LED in main.py. 在main.py中定義Pin.OUT (Pin腳),使用Pin.on()/off()函數去開關LED。 - 韌體 Firmware: Micropython - 硬體 Hardware: ESP32 DevKitC V4 - 開發環境 IDE: Thonny - 程式語言 Language: Python We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633@gmail.com Line: lvnet

[LabVIEW][Python][Voice]Calling python class method in Python Node使用Python Node呼叫 Python類別中的方法

This example demonstrates how to calling python class method in Python Node. 這個範例說明如何使用Python Node呼叫 Python類別中的方法。 Steps 1. Create studentclass.py in the Visual Studio Code. 2. Add Object and wrapper functions for calling. 3. Use Python Node to call wrapper functions to get and set scores of students. 步驟: 1. 在Visual Studio Code中建立studentclass.py。 2. 增加物件以及可以被呼叫的包裝函數 。 3. 使用Python Node去呼叫包裝函數來獲取與設定學生的分數。 We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633 @gmail.com Line: lvnet

[LabVIEW 2018][Voice] How to use Python Node to communicate with Python 如何使用Python Node與Python溝通

This example show steps of using Python Node to communicate with Python 這個範例說明如何使用Python Node與Python 溝通 Step 1. Install traditional Python 3.6 or 2.7 which LabVIEW 2008 Python Node supported. Step 2. Setup the system path of Python 3.6 or 2.7 Step 3. Tell python file path and function name to Python Node 步驟1. 安裝傳統的 Python 3.6 或 2.7 ,是目前LabVIEW 2008 Python Node有支援的 步驟2. 設定Python的環境變數 步驟3. 告訴Python Node Python檔案路徑與所想呼叫的函數名稱 Note: If your LabVIEW2018 is 32 bits, install Python 3.6 32 bits version. 注意: 如果你的 LabVIEW2018是32 bits,請安裝Python 3.6 32 bits版本。 We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW. welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633 @gmail.com Line: lvnet