
目前顯示的是 2月, 2020的文章

[Micropython][Voice]Download ESP32 micropython firmware by using ESP32 download tool 燒錄韌體到ESP32開發版

This video shows how to download micropython firmware to ESP32 DevKitC v4 by using ESP32 download tool. 本影片說明如何使用ESP32 download tool將Micropython韌體燒錄在ESP32 DevKitC v4開發版上。 There are two steps: 1. Download Micropython firmware of ESP32 from micropython.org website. 2. Use ESP32 download tool to download Micropython firmware to ESP32 DevKitC v4. 有兩個步驟: 1. 從micropyhon.org下載ESP32的韌體。 2. 使用 ESP32 download tool將Micropython韌體燒錄在ESP32 DevKitC v4開發版。 We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633@gmail.com Line: lvnet

[Micropython][Voice]Erase ESP32 flash by using ESP32 download tool清除ESP32的快閃記憶體

This video shows how to use ESP32 download tool to erase the flash on ESP32 DevKitC v4. 這支影片說明如何使用ESP32 download tool清除ESP32 DevKitC v4開發版上的快閃記憶體。 I think ESP32 download tool is one of easiest method of erasing the flash of ESP32 development board in Windows. Just press one button and without inputting any command. 我認為 ESP32 download tool 史最容易清除ESP32開發版的方法之一,只要按下一個按鍵,而無須下任何指令。 We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633 @gmail.com Line: lvnet

[MicroPython] [Voice] Use ESP32 DevkitC V4 to aquire signals of DHT11 sensor 使用ESP32 DevKitC V4開發版來讀取DHT11數位溫溼度感測器

This example shows how to use ESP32 DevKitC V4 to read temperature and humidity data from DHT11 sensor. 本範例說明如何使用ESP32 DevKitC V4來讀取DHT11數位溫溼度感測器的資料。 Import dht library and define the data pin in the pin of dht in main.py. 在main.py中,輸入dht函數庫,與定義data腳位在dht的函數中。 Than use print() to display and update temperature and humidity data with time interval of 2 sec. 使用print ()函數去顯示與更新 溫溼度的數值每兩秒 。   - 韌體 Firmware: Micropython - 硬體 Hardware: ESP32 DevKitC V4,DHT11 - 開發環境 IDE: Thonny - 程式語言 Language: Python - 作業系統 OS: Windows We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633 @gmail.com Line: lvnet

[Micropython][Voice] Use ESP32 DevKitC V4 to control RGB LED 使用ESP32 DevKitC V4開發版來控制RGB LED

This example shows how to use ESP32 DevKitC V4 to control RGB LED. 本範例說明如何使用ESP32 DevKitC V4來控制RGB LED。 Define Pin.OUT and use Pin.on()/off() function to turn on/off LED in main.py. 在main.py中定義Pin.OUT (Pin腳),使用Pin.on()/off()函數去開關LED。 - 韌體 Firmware: Micropython - 硬體 Hardware: ESP32 DevKitC V4 - 開發環境 IDE: Thonny - 程式語言 Language: Python We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633@gmail.com Line: lvnet