[Micropython][Voice]Download ESP32 micropython firmware by using ESP32 download tool 燒錄韌體到ESP32開發版

This video shows how to download micropython firmware to ESP32 DevKitC v4 by using ESP32 download tool.
本影片說明如何使用ESP32 download tool將Micropython韌體燒錄在ESP32 DevKitC v4開發版上。

There are two steps:
1. Download Micropython firmware of ESP32 from micropython.org website.
2. Use ESP32 download tool to download Micropython firmware to ESP32 DevKitC v4.

1. 從micropyhon.org下載ESP32的韌體。
2. 使用ESP32 download tool將Micropython韌體燒錄在ESP32 DevKitC v4開發版。

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