[LabVIEW][Voice]First Actor Framework Program-Hello World (一)第一支操作者框架程式Hello World(一)

This example demonstrates how to build an actor framework project, create actor and message class, and launch actor to call message method.

The launch.vi uses old approach of Lauch Actor.vi before LabVIEW 2014. The new approach will use Launch Root Actor.vi.
在launch.vi中使用的是LabVIEW 2014年前所使用的Launch Actor.vi. 新的方法為使用Launch Root Actor.vi。

If you want use Launch Root Actor.vi in LabVIEW 2012, you can try the method in the following website: AF Experiment - Launch Root Actor and Launch Nested Actor

如果想在LabVIEW 2012使用Launch Root Actor.vi ,可以試試下列連結的方法: AF Experiment - Launch Root Actor and Launch Nested Actor

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未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633@gmail.com Line: lvnet



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