[Arduino][FreeRTOS]Use vTaskDelay to implement tasks running in different priorities/使用延時函數實現不同優先順序的任務執行

This example explain what are tick, tick ISR, task states (Running, Ready, Blocked, and Suspended) and how to use two task delay functions (vTaskDelay and vTaskDelayUntil) to elimanate starving state while two tasks are called with different priorities . 這個範例說明什麼是時脈、時脈中斷服務、任務狀態(執行、就緒、阻塞與掛起),以及如何使用任務延時的函數(相對延時vTaskDelay與 絕對延時vTaskDelayUntil)去消除呼叫兩個不同優先順序的任務時產生的餓死狀態。 Hardware: Arduino Mega2560 Software: VS Code



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