[第12期]Migrate LabVIEW to Python: Use Expression Node and Math library/使用Expression Node和Math函式庫

This video shows how to use mathematical functions in LabVIEW and Python. We introduce Expression Node for non-conplex data type calculation in LabVIEW and applications of Math library in Python. Some examples (conversion of degree and radian, the plot of sine wave etc.) are provided for the demonstration of Expression Node and Math library in LabVIEW and Python respectively.
本視頻說明如何在LabVIEW和Python中使用數學函數。 我們介紹LabVIEW的Expression Node來處理簡單的資料型態,以及Math函數庫在Python中的應用。 我們也提供的一些範例,如角度與弧度間的轉換、Sine波的繪製,來說明Expression Node和Math函數庫分別在與Python中應用。 References: 1. Expression Node (https://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361R-01/glang/expression_node/) 2. math数学函数 (https://docs.python.org/zh-tw/3.7/library/math.html#angular-conversion)



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