[第6期]Write LabVIEW VISA program to control Dobot Magician/撰寫LabVIEW VISA程式來控制Dobot Magician

 This video shows how to control Dobot Magician by writing LabVIEW VISA program.

The content includes: 1. Protocol description of PTP mode command 2. Write Protocol by VISA to control Dobot Magician 這個視頻說明如何撰寫LabVIEW VISA程式來控制Dobot Magician。 內容為: 1. 通訊指令說明 (PTP mode command) 2. 用VISA寫傳輸指令來控制Dobot Magician 參考資料/References: 1. Dobot Communication Protocol https://www.dobot.cc/downloadcenter/dobot-magician.html?sub_cat=72#sub-download 2. Communicating with the Dobot Magician using raw protocol https://jacquesjohnston.wordpress.com/2019/01/29/communicating-with-the-dobot-magician-using-raw-protocol/



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