
目前顯示的是 5月, 2020的文章

[AI2][Arduino][ESP32] Classic Bluetooth connection between ESP32 and AI2 App/傳統藍芽傳輸使用ESP32與AI2

This example demonstrates how to use the classic Bluetooth of ESP32 to read and write data from App created by App Inventor 2. 這個範例說明如何使用經典的藍芽連線方式,在ESP32開發版與App Inventor 2開發出來的 App間進行資料的讀寫。 1. Upload SerialToSerialBT code to ESP32 DevKitc_V4 2. Input string to the serial port monitor to transmit data to App. 3. Input a string to the Write Textbox and tap the Write Button in the App to send data to ESP32 board. 1. 上傳SerialToSerialBT.ino程式碼到ESP32 DevKitc_V4開發版 2. 在Arduino串列埠監控視窗輸入文字,傳送到App中。 3. 在App的 寫入文字方塊中輸入文字,按下寫入的按鈕,將資料傳輸到ESP32開發版上。 In the next video, I will demonstrate how to implement the classic bluetooth app by using App Inventor 2. 下一個影片,我們將展示如何使用App Inventor 2寫一個經典藍芽傳輸的App。 1. Start new project to create designer and blocks windows 開啟新專案建立designer與block視窗 2. Place ListPicker for displaying address and name of bluetooth and Label for showing the result of connection 放置ListPicker顯示藍芽的地址以及名稱,放置Label顯示藍芽連線的結果。 3. Place buttons and texboxes for reading and writing texts 放置讀與寫的按...

[Arduino][VS Code][Voice] Edit Arduino code in the VS code/在VS Code中編輯Arduino程式碼

This example shows how to install Arduino extension and edit Arduino code in the VS code. 這個範例說明如何在VS Code中安裝Arduino extension以及編輯Arduino程式碼。 1. Install Arduino extension in the VS code. 在VS code中安裝Arduino extension。 2. Set Arduino installation Path. 設定 Arduino的安裝路徑。 3. Ctrl+Shift+P to input command " Arduino: Examples". 使用 Ctrl+Shift+P去輸入"Arduino: Examples"指令。 4. Open Blinky example 打開Blink的範例 5. Select COM port and board type "Mega2560". 選擇COM port, 以及Mega2560開發版。 6. Modify code and upload to Mega2560. 修改程式碼然後上傳到Mega2560上。 We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel. 未來會陸續更新影片,讓想學習LabVIEW和Python的朋友可以看影片學習,歡迎訂閱此頻道。 其他網址/related websites: https://labview-tech.blogspot.com/ https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog email: jacklee3633@gmail.com Line: lvnet