
以下是ChatGPT的建議,我覺得都是LabVIEW Vision有提供的功能,後續有時間我將錄製一些影片來介紹。


  1. 影像處理基礎:學習影像處理的基本概念,如色彩空間、影像增強、濾波、二值化等等。

  2. 影像採集:了解如何使用LabVIEW擷取影像並且將其儲存至電腦。

  1. 影像分析:學習如何使用LabVIEW進行影像分析,例如邊緣檢測、形態學處理、二值化、膨脹和侵蝕等。

  2. 物體偵測:學習如何使用LabVIEW檢測物體,以及檢測其位置、大小、形狀和顏色等。

  3. 模板匹配:學習如何使用模板匹配算法,將影像中的特定物體與預定義的模板進行比對。

  4. AOI應用:學習如何將影像處理和物體偵測技術應用於AOI系統中,以檢測製造中的缺陷或錯誤。

  5. 實作專案:進行實作專案,以實際應用以上學習的技術,並進行AOI的應用,如自動化檢測印刷電路板。


If you want to learn how to use LabVIEW for automatic optical inspection (AOI) of images, here are some of the main course contents that you need to learn:

  1. Image processing basics: Learn the basic concepts of image processing, such as color space, image enhancement, filtering, thresholding, and more.

  2. Image acquisition: Understand how to use LabVIEW to capture images and store them on the computer.

  3. Image analysis: Learn how to use LabVIEW for image analysis, such as edge detection, morphology processing, thresholding, dilation, and erosion.

  4. Object detection: Learn how to use LabVIEW to detect objects and detect their position, size, shape, and color.

  5. Template matching: Learn how to use template matching algorithms to compare specific objects in the image with predefined templates.

  6. AOI applications: Learn how to apply image processing and object detection techniques to AOI systems to detect defects or errors in manufacturing.

  7. Practical projects: Carry out practical projects to apply the learned techniques and apply AOI, such as automating the inspection of printed circuit boards.

In summary, these are the basic course contents you need to master to learn how to use LabVIEW for image-based AOI.



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