[第23期]Use pytube and PySide to download YouTube audio(mp3)/使用pytube與PySide下載YouTube聲音檔(mp3)
This vedio shows how to use pytube and PySide to download YouTube audio (mp3). The content includes: PySide Introduction Filter Audio Stream Download and rename Youtube mp3 file 本視頻說明如何使用pytube與PyQt下載YouTube影片。 內容包含: PySide簡介 篩選聲音資料流 下載和重新命名YouTube MP3檔 Pyside template import sys from PySide6 import QtWidgets from PySide6 . QtCore import QFile , QIODevice from PySide6 . QtUiTools import QUiLoader class MainWindow ( QtWidgets . QMainWindow ): def __init__ ( self , ui_file_name , * args , ** kwargs ): # access methods of the base class super ( MainWindow , self ). __init__ (* args , ** kwargs ) # Load the UI Page by PySide6 loader = QUiLoader () file = QFile ( ui_file_name ) file . open ( QIODevice .ReadOnly) self . ui = loader . load ( file ) ...