
目前顯示的是 2022的文章

[第23期]Use pytube and PySide to download YouTube audio(mp3)/使用pytube與PySide下載YouTube聲音檔(mp3)

This vedio shows how to use pytube and PySide to download YouTube audio (mp3). The content includes:  PySide Introduction Filter Audio Stream Download and rename Youtube mp3 file   本視頻說明如何使用pytube與PyQt下載YouTube影片。 內容包含:  PySide簡介 篩選聲音資料流 下載和重新命名YouTube MP3檔 Pyside template  import sys from PySide6 import QtWidgets from PySide6 . QtCore import QFile , QIODevice from PySide6 . QtUiTools import QUiLoader class MainWindow ( QtWidgets . QMainWindow ):     def __init__ ( self , ui_file_name , * args , ** kwargs ): # access methods of the base class         super ( MainWindow , self ). __init__ (* args , ** kwargs )         # Load the UI Page by PySide6         loader = QUiLoader ()         file = QFile ( ui_file_name )         file . open ( QIODevice .ReadOnly)         self . ui = loader . load ( file )     ...

[第22期]Use PyQtGraph and nidaqmx to implement real time plots/使用PyQtGraph與nidaqmx實現時實的繪圖

 This video shows how to use PyQtGraph and nidaqmx to implement real time plots. The content includes:  1. Install NI-​DAQmx and python nidaqmx 2. Use Qt Designer to design GUI 3. Real-time display DAQ data 本视频说明如何使用PyQtGraph与nidaqmx实现时实的绘图。 内容包含:  1. 安装NI-​DAQmx与python nidaqmx 2. 使用Qt Designer设计图形介面 3. 实时显示DAQ资料 https://youtu.be/wFiPOLBbl2A

[第21期]Use PyQtGraph and PyQt to implement line and scatter plots/使用PyQtGraph與PyQt實現線與散狀圖

 This video shows how to use PyQtGraph and PyQt to implement line and scatter plots. The content includes:  1. PyQtGraph Introduction 2. Embedding custom widgets from Qt Designer 3. Use PlotWidget.plot() to add data to plot widget 本視頻說明如何使用PyQtGraph與PyQt實現線與散狀圖。 內容包含:  1. PyQtGraph簡介 2. 在Qt Designer嵌入客製化部件模組 3. 使用PlotWidget.plot()新增資料到繪圖部件中 https://youtu.be/J1nLwW5AjUk

[第20期]Use pytube and PyQt to download YouTube video/使用pytube與PyQt下載YouTube影片

This video shows how to use pytube and PyQt to download YouTube video. The content includes: 1. PyTube Introduction 2. Use Qt Designer to design GUI 3. One click download Youtube video 本視頻說明如何使用pytube與PyQt下載YouTube影片。 內容包含: 1. PyTube簡介 2. 使用Qt Designer設計人機圖形介面 3. 一鍵下載YouTube影片。

[第19期]Write a PyQt calculator program by using MVC architecture/使用MVC架構寫一個PyQt計算機程式

  This video demonstrate how to write a PyQt calculator program by using MVC architecture. The content includes: 1. MVC Architecture Introduction 2. Place codes with different purposes into Model.py, View.py and Controller.py PS: calculator.py please refer to video No. 18. 本視頻說明如何使用MVC架構寫一個PyQt計算機程式, 內容包含: 1. MVC架構簡介 2. 將不同意義的程式碼分別寫在Model.py, View.py以及Controller.py中。 註: calculator.py請參考第18期視頻 PyQt Template模板 import sys from PyQ t5 import QtWidgets , uic class MainWindow ( QtWidgets . QMainWindow ): def __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ): super ( MainWindow , self ). __init__ ( * args , ** kwargs ) #Load the UI Page by PyQt5 uic . loadUi ( "ui name.ui" , self ) self . setWindowTitle ( "ui title" ) def main (): app = QtWidgets . QApplication ( sys . argv ) main = MainWindow () main . show () sys . exit ( app . exec ()) if __name__ == '__main__' : m...

[第18期]Use PyQt and Qt Designer to implement GUI of Calculator/使用PyQt與Qt Designer製作計算機圖形介面

This video introduce how to use PyQt and Qt Designer to implement GUI of Calculator. Including: 1. Use Qt Designer to design User Interface  2. Load UI file  3. Connect “Signal”and “Slot”  Use Signal/Slot Editor in Qt Designer中 Use connect() Method to connect Signal and Slot 4. Make a calculator with Button, LineEdit and Label 本視頻介紹如何使用PyQt與Qt Designer製作計算機圖形介面,內容包含: 1. 使用Qt Designer設計介面  2. 在PyQt中載入UI檔  3. 連接"信號"與"槽"  在Qt Designer中使用Signal/Slot Editor 在程式中使用connect()方法連結Signal和Slot 4. 使用按鈕、文字輸入與標籤來製作計算機 (2022/10/13) Updated Video/更新的視頻 PyQt Template模板 import sys from PyQ t5 import QtWidgets , uic class MainWindow ( QtWidgets . QMainWindow ): def __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ): super ( MainWindow , self ). __init__ ( * args , ** kwargs ) #Load the UI Page by PyQt5 uic . loadUi ( "ui name.ui" , self ) self . setWindowTitle ( "ui title" ) def main (): app = QtWidget...

[第17期] ESP32 Firmware Upgraded through OTA by using HTTP File Server/使用HTTP檔案伺服進行ESP32的韌體空中升級

  This video shows how to upgrade firmware on ESP module through OTA (over the air) and HTTP File Server is used to send and receive files (firmware). The content includes: 1. Build Http File Server 2. Setup sdkconfig - Partition Table - Wi-Fi SSID and Password - Firmware Upgrade URL - Project Version 這個視頻說明如何經由空中升級更新ESP32模組的韌體, 視頻的內容,包含: 1. 建立 Http 檔案伺服器 2. 設定 sdkconfig - 分區表 - Wi-Fi SSID與密碼 - 韌體升級網址 - 專案版本

[第16期] Getting Started with Object-Oriented Programming in LabVIEW /LabVIEW物件導向程式設計入門

  This video demonstrates how to use Object-Oriented Programming in LabVIEW. LabVIEW supports class, encapsulation, inheritance and override. 本影片說展示如何在LabVIEW中使用物件導向程式設計。 LabVIEW支援類別、封裝、繼承與覆寫。 References: 1.Introduction to LabVIEW Object Oriented Programming https://youtu.be/kjBedCUuQXE 2. LabVIEW Object-Oriented Programming FAQ https://www.ni.com/zh-tw/support/documentation/supplemental/06/labview-object-oriented-programming-faq.html

[Note 4] 分享試算境外與境內基金報酬率的網站,提供定期定額遠單筆投資的比較。

This video shows the website which provides the ROI (return on investment ) of international and national funds with methods of dollar cost averaging and lump sum investment. 本視頻分享試算境外與境內基金報酬率的網站,提供定期定額與單筆投資的比較。 基金試算專區: https://www.sitca.org.tw/ROC/FUNDINF/Fund.aspx

[第15期 Build and debug ESP IDF code by Eclipse開發環境建置與偵錯ESP程式

 This video shows how to build and debug ESP IDF code by using Eclipse IDE. 1. Install Eclipse IDE 2. Install ESP IDF and Git    3. Install JTAG Driver              4. Build and Debug  ESP Code   本視頻介紹如何使用使用Eclipse開發環境建置與偵錯ESP程式 1. 安裝Eclipse開發環境 2. 安裝ESP IDF與Git 3. 安裝JTAG驅動程式 (第13期) 4. 建立與偵錯ESP程式 https://youtu.be/DRPbVxPC4TE

[第14期] Use VS Code and PlatformIO to debug ESP IDF code in the ESP Wrover Kit with internal JTAG

 This Video shows how to use VS Code and PlatformIO to debug ESP IDF code in the ESP Wrover Kit with internal JTAG. 1. Import project examples 2. Setup PlatformIO (Add new board)              3. Build project and Debug  ESP IDF Code   本影片說明如何使用VS Code and PlatformIO來偵錯ESP IDF程式在有內建JTAG的ESP Wrover Ki開發版上。 1. 輸入專案範例 2. 設定PlatformIO (增加新開發板) 5. 建置與偵錯Arduino程式

[第13期]Use VS Code and PlatformIO to debug Arduino code in the ESP Wrover Kit with internal JTAG

  This Video shows how to use VS Code and PlatformIO to debug Arduino code in the ESP Wrover Kit with internal JTAG. 1. Introduce PlatformIO 2. Introduce how to setup JTAG on ESP Wrover Kit and install JTAG Driver 3. Install PlatformIO extension 4. Setup PlatformIO 5. Create new project and Debug Arduino Code 本影片說明如何使用VS Code and PlatformIO來偵錯Arduino程式在有內建JTAG的ESP Wrover Ki開發版上。 1. PlatformIO簡介 2. 介紹如何設定與安裝JTAG驅動程式 3. 安裝PlatformIO擴充 4. 設定PlatformIO 5. 建立與偵錯Arduino程式