[Arduino] Acquisition of MPU6050 raw data by using Mega2560/使用Mega2560擷取MPU6050原始資料
This example shows how read the raw data of MPU6050 by using Arduino Mega2560. There are several steps: 1. Download and install MPU6050 library. (refer to: http://www.i2cdevlib.com/devices/mpu6050#source ) 2. Introduce the source code. 3. Connect MPU6050 to Mega2560. (refer to: https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog/post/42021475 ) 4. Print raw data (ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz) to the serial port monitor. 這個範例說明如何使用Mega2560來讀取MPU6050的原始資料。 步驟如下: 1. 下載與安裝MPU6050函式庫。(參考: http://www.i2cdevlib.com/devices/mpu6050#source ) 2. 程式碼簡介。 3. 連接MPU6050 與Mega2560。 (參考: https://fishark.pixnet.net/blog/post/42021475 ) 4. 列印原始資料 (x, y, z的加速度與角加速度)到序列埠監控視窗。