[第19期]Write a PyQt calculator program by using MVC architecture/使用MVC架構寫一個PyQt計算機程式
This video demonstrate how to write a PyQt calculator program by using MVC architecture. The content includes: 1. MVC Architecture Introduction 2. Place codes with different purposes into Model.py, View.py and Controller.py PS: calculator.py please refer to video No. 18. 本視頻說明如何使用MVC架構寫一個PyQt計算機程式, 內容包含: 1. MVC架構簡介 2. 將不同意義的程式碼分別寫在Model.py, View.py以及Controller.py中。 註: calculator.py請參考第18期視頻 PyQt Template模板 import sys from PyQ t5 import QtWidgets , uic class MainWindow ( QtWidgets . QMainWindow ): def __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ): super ( MainWindow , self ). __init__ ( * args , ** kwargs ) #Load the UI Page by PyQt5 uic . loadUi ( "ui name.ui" , self ) self . setWindowTitle ( "ui title" ) def main (): app = QtWidgets . QApplication ( sys . argv ) main = MainWindow () main . show () sys . exit ( app . exec ()) if __name__ == '__main__' : m...