(下) BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Toolkit for LabVIEW (低功耗藍芽工具套件)
將LabVIEW更新到2014版後,新買的BLE Dongle也到貨了,接下來要完成LabVIEW BLE Toolkit的安裝,以及BLE Dongle Driver的安裝。 使用VIPM安裝完BLE Toolkit,接著按下Show Examples按鈕, 可選擇以下三個VI來測試, ble_scan_devices.vi Discover and connect to BLE devices ble_read_write_characteristics.vi Read and Write a Characteristic value, providing the UUID for Service and Characteristic ble_read_hr_monitor.vi Acquire Heart Rate data stream, for devices with Heart Rate Profile 執行 ble_read_hr_monitor.vi,