
目前顯示的是 2018的文章

使用BLE Dongle (BLED112)與LabVIEW BLE Toolkt遭遇的問題

2018.02.25 目前想使用BLED112與LabVIEW BLE Toolkit與BLE M+Arduino作結合,想Read與Write資料, 雖然這個BLE Module與App Inventor 2的資料讀寫,已經證實可行, 但在與BLED112與LabVIEW BLE Toolkit的搭配上卻還有這一些問題, 首先是Characteristic UUID與Service UUID無法被發現: Error 0 occurred at Client Characteristic Configuration for Service: 0000FFF0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb and Characteristic 0000FFF1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb was not found 另一個可能是Notify沒被Enable, 有個論壇中的回覆是這樣描述的: I enabled notifications for the TI sensortag cc2650, sequence: 1. Write 0x01 to sensor configuration UUID to enable data collection [temperature sensor AA02, humidity sensor AA22, ...]. 2. Write 0x0100 to sensor notification UUID 2902. 3. Monitor the attribute value event [use ble_evt_attclient_attribute_value.vi in the above toolkit] 目前只能試到如此,之後在程式是否能解決上述問題,如無法解決,只好試試他BLE Module了。 2019.02.28 測試另一個可以讀到 Device Name的BLE模組,發現這個模組可以看到 Handle Table,而之前的BLE模組卻沒有Handle Table,這是要保留探討的部分。 我們暫時將可以抓到Handle Table的BLE模組稱為BLE.B,而原先的稱為BLE.A,以下是BLE.B的Handle Ta...

App Inventor 2 BLE 參考程式碼

最近搜尋的一下App Inventor在BLE方面的成是範例,發現增加了不少, 以下是可以參考的一些網頁: 1.  Reliable Bluetooth LE Comms Between Arduino and MIT App Inventor (AI2) https://arduinoplusplus.wordpress.com/2017/05/23/reliable-bluetooth-le-comms-between-arduino-and-mit-app-inventor-ai2/ 2.  BLE transfers using MIT App Inventor for Android http://www.limifrog.io/2017/05/ble-transfers-using-mit-app-inventor-for-android/ 3.  Arduino, HM-10 and App Inventor 2 http://www.martyncurrey.com/arduino-hm-10-and-app-inventor-2/

(下) BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Toolkit for LabVIEW (低功耗藍芽工具套件)

將LabVIEW更新到2014版後,新買的BLE Dongle也到貨了,接下來要完成LabVIEW BLE Toolkit的安裝,以及BLE Dongle Driver的安裝。 使用VIPM安裝完BLE Toolkit,接著按下Show Examples按鈕,      可選擇以下三個VI來測試,      ble_scan_devices.vi Discover and connect to BLE devices ble_read_write_characteristics.vi Read and Write a Characteristic value, providing the  UUID  for  Service  and  Characteristic ble_read_hr_monitor.vi  Acquire Heart Rate data stream, for devices with Heart Rate Profile 執行 ble_read_hr_monitor.vi,

LabVIEW傳輸資料到Google Spreadsheets Data

https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Google-spreadsheet-API/td-p/2683663 https://forums.ni.com/t5/Example-Programs/Simple-LabVIEW-Web-Browser/ta-p/3501835 https://forums.ni.com/t5/Example-Programs/Google-Spreadsheets-Data-API-Read/ta-p/3529839

(上) BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Toolkit for LabVIEW (低功耗藍芽工具套件)

之前使用過 App inventor開發過BLE App,但實在是有不方便的地方 例如Debug的部分, 最近翔從 LabVIE來實現與BLE的溝通,於是搜尋相關資訊,發現LabVIEW有提供相關的套件, 1. 下載資訊: Communicate with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Devices in LabVIEW https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z0000019LuHSAU 2. 低功耗藍芽工具套件下載處 BLE-Toolkit-LabVIEWriu https://github.com/MuSAELab/BLE-Toolkit-LabVIEW 3. 使用VIPM安裝 套件內容: BLE Toolkit v1.4.0.2 by MuSAE Lab Author: Raymundo Cassani Copyright: Copyright (c) 2017, MuSAE Lab License: MIT Compatible LabVIEW Versions: >= 2013. Compatible OS Versions: ALL. Description: The BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) toolkit allows the interaction of BLE devices with LabVIEW. The BLE toolkit for LabVIEW is an implementation of the Bluegica BGAPI, that allows to communicate with Bluegiga BLE(D)11x and WF121 devices using USB/UART. Provided examples indlude: * Scanning for BLE devices * Reading and Writing Characteristics values * Acquiring Heart Rate data stream 由於目前使用的LabVIEW版本太舊,需要更新, ...